By JP Ervin
Jan 03, 2023
Once an ASTM International technical committee formulates an idea for a revision or a new standard, a work item is registered and added to a list of work items. At this point, it can be beneficial to promote this item to stakeholders who might want to participate in its development. There are several strategies that can ensure your activity is amplified on the widest range of platforms to the broadest audience.
To begin promoting a new work item, staff managers can arrange for ASTM to publish a press release. To craft a press release, ASTM’s corporate communications department works with technical contacts from the relevant subcommittee. These press releases are circulated via several platforms, including media lists, E-News, Standardization News (SN), and SN Online.
Media lists include contacts at news sites, magazines, and industry publications, so they are an invaluable means of spreading the word. It is important to ensure that your lists are current and accurate. Staff managers can manage the process of updating a media list, but it is helpful to have committee member input about who to include. Lists can be updated to include a range of industry contacts or other relevant parties.
Once a press release is created, ASTM often promotes the item via social media platforms such as LinkedIn, and members can use such platforms to share posts with their own network of professional contacts. Staff managers can also work with a technical contact to develop a list of key stakeholders, sending specialized email invitations to individuals or organizations with relevant experience. Participants do not need to be ASTM members to provide input, since work items can benefit from the perspective of anyone with related knowledge.
Technical Committee Operations can also conduct membership promotions. An activity can be promoted with an e-card to members, which in turn can be cross-referenced against sales lists and other committees. This medium can reach society members who might have overlapping interests with the work item.
In the end, it is helpful to make a plan for promoting a work item. While staff managers and other ASTM staff are happy to help ensure your work is visible, strategic planning will help to increase its reach.
Form and Style for ASTM Standards (the “Blue Book”) details rules pertaining to the use of standard formats of the International System of Units (SI), non-SI units, or both. Part H of the volume details the scope, terminology, and formatting requirements for SI and non-SI units.
H1. Scope
H1.1 This part is intended to guide technical committees in the use of the standard formats for denoting the use of the International System of Units (SI), non-SI units (usually inch-pound), or both in
ASTM standards.
H1.2 SI units of measurement shall be included in all ASTM standards.
H1.2.1 Each technical committee shall have the option of using SI units, or non-SI (usually inch-pound) units, or both, as the standard units of measure.
Discussion—Given ASTM’s mission to be the foremost developer and provider of voluntary consensus standards with global recognition and use, ASTM technical committees are urged to give diligent consideration to the use of SI (metric) units as the standard unit of measurement.
H1.2.2 Follow the procedures given in IEEE/ASTM SI-10, the SI Quick Reference Guide and Part G and Part H. If a discrepancy exists between these documents, follow Part G and Part H. IEEE/ASTM SI-10 appears in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, and is also available as a separate publication.
H1.2.2.1 For committees that have special considerations with the use of SI units in ASTM standards, it is permissible to develop committee-specific technical guidance for clarification. Examples of such documents are as follows:
ASTM Committee B05 Guide for Editorial Procedures and Form of Product Specifications for Copper and Copper Alloys
A994 Guide for Editorial Procedures and Form of Product Specifications for Steel, Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys.
January / February 2023