A Streamlined Tool is Now Available
By Cicely Enright
Jul 25, 2017
If you work with committee rosters, you know their purpose. Rosters list contact info for a subcommittee or main committee. They’re needed for collaboration and are critical for ensuring classification and voting balance.
Keeping a roster up to date takes time and care. And a newly streamlined tool — with all the necessary information and screens accessible in one place — should make the job a bit easier.
Training sessions are held regularly on the tool. Check the “Virtual Classroom for Members” to learn more about roster maintenance and when the next online workshop will be held.
If you are the committee officer responsible for maintaining rosters (for example membership secretary or subcommittee chairman), after you’ve logged in to MyCommittees, choose the Roster Maintenance under MyTools.
On the main Roster Maintenance screen, a Balance Report will appear for the selected committee (chosen from a dropdown) with summary counts of your official and non-official voting members, and totals, as well as their categories — producer, user, consumer, general interest, and unclassified (those members pending assignment of classification and vote).
Assignments can be made directly on screen from the Pending tab for new members and those that have changed employment. Changes to any member (current or pending) can be done on the roster tab. The lists can be sorted on screen, such as grouping by name or company, or members can use the search box to find a contact.
Reports are still available under the roster reports tab and the same as they have been, and can be downloaded or emailed to you after the document is generated:
- Rosters in Word or Excel according to preference.
- Inactivity Report: Members who have not returned ballots are noted here; a phone call or email is useful to determine ongoing interest.
- Meeting Attendance List: Can be entered into meeting minutes.
- Visitor Attendance List: Keep track of possible new members!
- Membership Report: Delineated by dates of your choosing, the report can further provide segments of these numbers, including new members, members changing employment, members removed from roster, affiliates (current roster only), committee balance (current roster only) or all the above.
As mentioned above, for more information about roster maintenance and other topics, check the “Virtual Classroom for Members” for upcoming free online workshops. For more reading specifically about voting interests and classifications, peruse the Sections 6 and 7 in the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees (available in several languages) found in the "Standards Development" resources section under "ASTM Regulations."
Keep Your Contact Info Updated
Help ASTM and your colleagues doing the roster job by keeping your contact information up to date. Current contact information ensures you receive meeting and program announcements as well as member publications but also your committee and subcommittee information.
September / October 2017