Next Gen: Mentoring the Next Generation of Standards Developers
Korean Graduate Students Visit ASTM International Headquarters
Three graduate students in the master’s of technology program at Korea’s Sungkyunkwan University visited ASTM International on Dec. 12, 2017. Su-Jin Park, Seonghoon Lee, and Jiwon Kim are graduate students of Kaphong Choi, Ph.D., who is the former administrator of the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards and a former ASTM International board member, as well as the winner of the 2017 Cavanaugh Award. Choi’s students are working on a research project to formulate a strategy for the development of standards for the next generation of technology.
The 4th Industrial Revolution for the National Standard Technology Improvement Project is being sponsored by the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards. During their trip, the students also visited the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology and the American National Standards Institute.
ASTM International staff met with graduate students from Korea’s Sungkyunkwan University on Dec. 12, 2017. From left: Brian Meincke, assistant vice president of business development, ASTM International; Teresa Cendrowska, vice president of global cooperation, ASTM International; Katharine Morgan, ASTM International president; Su-Jin Park, Seonghoon Lee, and Jiwon Kim, Sungkyunkwan University; and Travis Murdock, staff manager, ASTM International.
ASTM International Graduate Scholarships
ASTM International is now accepting applications for its graduate scholarships. The ASTM International Graduate Scholarship is presented each year to as many as four high potential graduate students, contingent on merit and available funds. The scholarship rewards graduate students who have demonstrated high levels of interest in or involvement with ASTM International standards. Each scholarship winner receives $10,000 for education expenses. Applications are due April 30.
Travis Murdock
tel +1.610.832.9714
Metallography Committee Awards Students for Presentations
ASTM International’s committee on metallography (E04) celebrated its centennial during its Symposium Commemorating 100 Years of E04 Development of Metallographic Standards during the November 2017 committee week.
As part of the celebration, the committee gave awards for its student presentation contest:
First Place:
Xueqiao Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology, for “Grain Boundary Ledge Characterization in Relation to Annealing Conditions with Scanning Electron Microsopy”
First Runner-up:
Jonathan Pegues, Auburn University, for “Influence of Microstructure on Fatigue Crack Nucleation and Microstructurally Short Crack Growth of an Austenitic Stainless Steel”
Second Runner-up
Sharma Suknaya, Georgia Institute of Technology, for “Micromechanisms of Deformation and Fracture of Dual Phase Steels at High Strain Rates”
James Farrell, staff manager, ASTM International, spoke at a meeting of the Coalition of Packaging Professionals and Academic Connections (CoPPAC) at Michigan State University on Nov. 7, 2017. Farrell provided an overview of ASTM International and its committees on packaging (D10) and primary barrier packaging (F02). More than 200 CoPPAC members have become student members of ASTM International.