New Advanced Ceramics Standard to Help with Next Generation Nuclear Power

Standardization News

New Advanced Ceramics Standard to Help with Next Generation Nuclear Power

A new ASTM International test method could play an important role in supporting next-generation nuclear power through advanced ceramics, which are used to make many parts of nuclear reactors.

According to ASTM International member Michael Jenkins, the new standard harmonizes many test methods developed over the years to measure the stress-strain behavior and strength of composite tubes subjected to internal pressure.

Using the standard, “engineers can measure the strength of tubular components made of ceramic composites and subjected to internal pressure so as to create safe designs that avoid failure,” says Jenkins, president and chief engineer at Bothell Engineering and Science Technologies.

The new standard (C1863) was developed by the ASTM International committee on advanced ceramics (C28)and complements another ASTM International standard for hoop tensile strength, C1819.

Specifically, C1863 describes what is often called a tube burst test that is applicable to tube geometries. This test determines the hoop tensile strength, including stress-strain response of continuous fiber-reinforced advanced ceramic tubes subjected to an internal pressure direct pressurization undergoing monotonic uniaxial loading at ambient temperature.

Jenkins notes that test and design engineers working to obtain U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission certification using the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for new designs in nuclear applications will find the new standard useful.

Anyone interested in joining the standards developing activities of the advanced ceramics committee is welcome to join.

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