ASTM China Representatives Meet with Environmental Sciences Group

ASTM China Staff Present to Research Academy of Environmental Sciences

Shown from left to right: Yongchun Xu, general manager, BRISEA Beijing Representative Office; Liu Fei, chief representative, ASTM International China office; Xuefang Wu, director, ESI; Yuhong Jaing, president, BRISEA; Nancy Hu, operations manager, ASTM International China office.

On Feb. 29, Liu Fei, chief representative, and Nancy Hu, operations manager, ASTM International China office, worked with ASTM training partner BRISEA International to hold a meeting with the Environmental Standards Institute of the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing, China, regarding the standards development system, standards application and training.

Liu Fei made a presentation to the 20 CRAES staff members attending the session in which he provided general information about ASTM‘s standards development system, copyright and ASTM's China operations. He also noted the openness of ASTM's technical committees to those interested in the development of relevant standards; he pointed out the ASTM International technical committees developing standards in environmental sectors and highlighted some key standards.

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