ASTM International Welcomes Standards Experts
Officials from Mongolia, Qatar, Turkey and Zimbabwe to Spend Time at ASTM Headquarters
Shown from left to right: Soronzonbold Sukhbaatar, Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology; Jabor Al-Naimi, Qatar General Organization for Standards and Metrology; Bekir Cengelci, Turkish Standards Institution; and Romana Marunda, Standards Association of Zimbabwe.
Experts from national standards bodies in Mongolia, Qatar, Turkey and Zimbabwe will visit ASTM International headquarters from April 30 to May 22. During their visit, the experts will learn about ASTM International and its standards development process, attend the May ASTM committee week, visit both federal government agencies and U.S.-based standards development organizations in Washington, D.C., and share information about their work and their home organizations.
Soronzonbold Sukhbaatar is a senior officer and petroleum engineer from the Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology. His main responsibilities are coordinating the daily activities of the Mongolian Standardization National Council, as well as the activities of the national standardization technical committees, and organizing the Mongolian Standardization National Council meetings.
Jabor Mohamed Al-Naimi is a senior engineer and head of mechanical standards in the standards and metrology department at the Qatar General Organization for Standards and Metrology. He started his career as a specialist in metrology and calibration laboratories. As a standards specialist, Al-Naimi attended various workshops and seminars on standardization and technical barriers to trade issues. He has also represented Qatar in regional and international standards-related events.
Bekir Çengelci is the director of the Turkish Standards Institution's (TSE) president's office. Prior to this appointment, Çengelci worked in the strategic planning department and was responsible for preparing TSE's strategic plan, annual performance program and annual report.
Romana Marunda is a standards development and information management expert at the Standards Association of Zimbabwe. She currently manages the Standards Development and Information division. Marunda is primarily responsible for managing the national standards development program and the standards information center, which is also Zimbabwe's World Trade Organization/Technical Barriers to Trade inquiry point.