ASTM Staff, Members, Meet with Colombian Biofuels Experts

Use of ASTM Biodiesel Standard Discussed

Colombian biodiesel experts met with ASTM's James Olshefsky (from left to right): Hernando Vergara, Olshefsky, Luis Romero, Christie Daza, Tito Salcedo, Jose Manuel Zambrano and Hans Moreno.

On June 28, a delegation of six Colombian biofuels experts visited with staff at ASTM's Washington, D.C., office. The head of the delegation, Christie Daza, technical director, Federación Nacional de Biocombustibles de Colombia, explained that they had been working with the Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y Certificación (ICONTEC), Colombia's national standards body, to adopt ASTM standards for biofuels.

The standards, ASTM D6751, Specification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock (B100) for Middle Distillate Fuels, and ASTM D7467, Specification for Diesel Fuel Oil, Biodiesel Blend (B6 to 20), are under the jurisdiction of Subcommittee D02.E0 on Burner, Diesel, Non-Aviation Gas Turbine and Marine Fuels, part of ASTM International Committee D02 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants.

Steven Westbrook, ASTM D02.E0 chairman, joined the meeting virtually to answer technical questions raised by the group. It is likely that additional meetings will be arranged in the future to ensure the proper application and use of the ASTM International standards in Colombia.

In 2001, ICONTEC became the first national standards body to sign a memorandum of understanding with ASTM International. The organization has cited more than 1,000 ASTM standards as having been adopted, referenced, or used as the basis of the Colombian national standards.

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