Delegation from Japanese Standards Association Visits ASTM

Delegation from Japanese Standards Association Visits ASTM

Takashi Nakakuki and colleagues from the Japanese Standards Association visited ASTM International as part of a research project on behalf of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan to explore how other countries obtain consumer input and address consumer needs in the standards development process. Nakakuki was joined by Makiko Kawamura, Megumi Hosoya and Etsuko Akiba, all of JSA.

The delegation met with ASTM's Katharine Morgan, vice president, technical committee operations, and Leonard Morrissey, manager of Committee F15 on Consumer Products, to discuss the various approaches that ASTM takes to obtain consumer input and participation.

In addition, ASTM staff members Teresa Cendrowska, vice president, global cooperation; James Olshefsky, director, external relations; and Sarah Naouri, manager, global cooperation, made a presentation to the delegation on ASTM's global initiatives with a specific emphasis on initiatives in Japan.

ASTM International staff members and representatives from the Japanese Standards Association met to discuss consumer input and participation in the standards development process.

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