Pharmaceutical Committee Members Attend FDA/ASTM Workshop

On Oct. 12, members of the ASTM committee on the manufacture of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical products (E55) attended the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research/ASTM Workshop on Standards for Pharmaceutical Products. Building on the relationship between Committee E55 and the FDA, the workshop showcased the ongoing work of the committee as well as topic-specific observations from FDA research as related to existing E55 standards.

Pictured from left are: Graham Cook, Pfizer (E55 chairman); Rapti Madurawe, FDA (workshop panelist); Kurt Brorson, FDA (workshop panelist); Duncan Low, Amgen (E55 member and workshop panelist); Robert Steininger (E55 member and workshop panelist); Pallavi Nithyanandan, FDA (E55 member); Cindy Buhse, FDA (workshop panelist); Larry Lee, FDA (workshop panelist); and Travis Murdock, ASTM (E55 staff manager).

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