Program Operator Consortium Launched at Greenbuild
Shown at the Program Operator consortium launch (left to right): Michael A. Gardner, executive vice president of compliance programs, International Code Council; Terry Swack, founder and CEO, Sustainable Minds; Katharine Morgan, executive vice president, ASTM; Jenny Oorbeck, general manager of sustainability, NSF International.
On Nov. 18, 2015, four key green building stakeholder organizations - ASTM International, ICC Evaluation Service, NSF International and Sustainable Minds - launched the first Program Operator consortium in the industry. The signing took place at Greenbuild 2015 at the ASTM International booth.
The consortium will serve as an expert resource and advocate for creating product category rules, reviewing life cycle assessment reports, and verifying and publishing environmental product declarations. The consortium members will pool resources; leverage existing relationships; jointly conduct outreach, marketing, education and communications; and promote the overall use of PCRs, LCAs and EPDs in the marketplace.
Manufacturers, design professionals and other stakeholders worldwide will begin to see co-branded, verified EPDs from the consortium members, providing value to decision-makers when specifying materials and products while helping manufacturers gain greater visibility for their product transparency work.