
Proficiency Testing Program

Expertly Developed Proficiency Testing from a Trusted Source

Improve your laboratory's performance with 60+ ISO/IEC 17043-Accredited Proficiency Testing Programs.

Our statistical quality programs have been developed with the subject-matter standards experts that serve on ASTM committees. These unique programs help laboratories to evaluate and improve performance, and maintain and fulfill ISO17025 accreditation requirements.

You’ll receive detailed statistical analysis of your results, including z-scores and performance metrics, to understand your laboratory’s precision and accuracy. Compare your results with competing labs worldwide and submit results directly to accreditation bodies using our state-of-the-art PTP2 Application. 

Featured Program


Synthetic Aviation Fuel

This new program serves as a complement to our existing Jet Fuel Program. Your lab will test samples of a synthetic aviation fuel blend component according to the test methods referenced in ASTM D7566, Standard Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuel Containing Synthesized Hydrocarbons.

Accredited Proficiency Testing Provider

Accredited Programs

We know participating in a high-quality proficiency testing program is important for your lab. That's why we continually work with A2LA to meet ISO/IEC 17043:2010, “Conformity Assessment-General Requirements for Proficiency Testing” for our programs.


Proficiency Testing Program Options


To both meet and maintain accreditation, thousands of labs from around the world come to ASTM for their proficiency testing needs.

We offer a wide range of program offerings, with support from various ASTM technical committees, with new programs added regularly. Test cycles run throughout the year. Current program offerings include:

Manage Data Securely with Custom PTP2 Application

Easily manage your programs using our ASTM PTP2 Application. This custom-built application allows you to submit and manage your proficiency test results securely.

View detailed reports of test results coded to maintain confidentiality. Benefit from thorough reporting with each test method having its own linegraph and histogram.

Confidently manage data from multiple laboratory locations and securely submit test results to accreditation bodies without leaving the application.

Want to learn more? Schedule a one-on-one tutorial to learn the basics of using the PTP2 App to manage your programs.

ASTM PTP - How it Works

Step 1

Choose program(s) and register one or multiple labs.

Step 2

Receive samples according to program testing schedule.

Step 3

Perform testing in your own facility using the specified ASTM or other test methods.

Step 4

Use ASTM PTP2 App to electronically submit data within 8 weeks.

Step 5

Receive confidential final statistical summary reports with all data in approximately 6 weeks.

Step 6

Use results to improve testing performance. Compare with competing labs. Submit results to accreditation bodies.

Do you have a suggestion for a proficiency testing program? Let us know.