Amusement Ride Lifecycle Management

ASTM International’s amusement rides and devices committee (F24) is working on a comprehensive guide for lifecycle management of amusement rides.

According to ASTM International member Kelly Johnson, the guide (WK67624) will address essential questions on amusement ride standards. These include how F24 standards fit together, where one can find a list of standards available, and how one assesses a ride that’s near the end of its operational life.

“All committee members will find this new standard useful, but especially members new to the F24 community,” says Johnson. “This should be the first ‘go-to’ standard and will help direct them to the appropriate specific standard for their project. As with any ASTM standard, the initial release will contain only the basics. The task group has several requests ready to add once the standard is published and we look forward to ‘adding more meat to the bone.’”

The guide intends to fill a crucial gap in knowledge for owners/operators whose amusement devices are aging, require technical support or upgrades, or are near the end of their useful life.

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