Cannabis Committee Responds to Senate Request, Launches Subcommittee
ASTM International’s cannabis committee (D37) has launched a new subcommittee aimed at supporting the exchange of cannabis information and knowledge between global policymakers, regulators, scientists, and the general public.
“With a patchwork of regulations across state, federal, and international levels, this subcommittee will be valuable to industry and government stakeholders as a means to collaborate,” notes David Vaillencourt, current chair of the new government liaison subcommittee (D37.92). “It’s really going to facilitate dialogue that will be key as we look ahead to a global marketplace in the coming years.”
Recently, at the request of the U.S. Senate, the cannabis committee’s executive subcommittee provided public comment on the proposed Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act. The subcommittee shared key information on ASTM International’s cannabis efforts, including:
- the history and scope of the cannabis committee,
- committee organization and subcommittee structure,
- broad membership information,
- definitions of cannabis terms,
- published standards related to cannabis facilities, consumer safety, and more.
The committee invites participation in the development of its standards. LEARN MORE about cannabis committee participation and membership.
ASTM International is a not-for-profit nongovernmental organization that develops voluntary consensus standards and defers to appropriate government authorities to determine the legal and regulatory framework regarding the control and use of cannabis.