Committee on Cannabis Hosts Free Workshop in Berlin

ASTM International's cannabis committee (D37) will host a free hemp and cannabis workshop on 10-11 October at the Berlin Marriott Hotel in Germany. The event will feature speakers and attendees from Europe, the United States, Canada, and elsewhere.

On Tuesday afternoon, the group will begin by reviewing existing standardization efforts by ASTM International, the Government of Canada, and others. This will include comments from the chair of Committee D37, Ralph Paroli, Ph.D., of the National Research Council of Canada.

Wednesday’s full day of events features a dozen speakers and several panel discussions on topics including testing, compliance, definitions, standardization strategies, and more. The full agenda and registration is available here.

This workshop follows the committee’s first meeting held in June in Toronto, Ontario (Canada). That meeting of nearly 100 industry leaders resulted in the formation of subcommittees and task groups that are working tocreate about 15 potential standards in areas such as cultivation, quality management systems, laboratory testing, labeling, and more.

The workshop is aimed at engaging more European stakeholders in the standardization process.

More information about the committee is available in this video and this Standardization News article.

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