Evaluating Radiological Decontamination Efforts
A new ASTM International standard will be used to test the efficiency of radiological decontamination methods. ASTM’s committee on nuclear technology and applications (E10) developed the new standard (E3190).
ASTM International member Rick Demmer notes that the new standard will provide a difficult final exam for new decontamination efforts so they can be evaluated in an independent method against other such methods.
The method described in the standard provides a predominantly fixed-type radiological or surrogate contamination on porous surfaces such as concrete, marble, grout, brick, and tile, among others. The method has also been applied as a fixed/loose contaminant to stainless steel and aluminum.
According to Demmer, distinguished scientist, Idaho National Laboratory, the new standard is based on a method developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to evaluate the many different decontamination methods that are in current use or are newly developed.
“This method has been used the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense, and the Department of Energy,” said Demmer. “Ideally, it will be adopted by those who wish to develop and test decon methods, perhaps even those for other kinds of contaminants.”
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