Foundry Heat Stress Management
A new ASTM International standard will help protect foundry workers who routinely handle molten metal. ASTM’s occupational health and safety committee (E34) developed the new standard (E3279).
The standard includes an objective framework for recognizing heat stress and heat strain in foundries and it provides for the use of best practices to manage heat exposures to minimize heat strain.
According to ASTM International member Thomas Slavin, the new standard spells out activities and responsibilities for foundry managers, supervisors, and workers that will help prevent heat-related illnesses.
“The standard focuses on foundries because it is based on successful best practices within the foundry industry,” says Slavin, consulting industrial hygienist, Cardno ChemRisk. “While primarily aimed at foundries, the standard can be used by any industry with workers exposed to heat stress. In addition, it could be used by regulators as a model approach for heat stress and heat strain management.”
Slavin notes that the health and safety committee of the American Foundry Society was instrumental in providing research and recommendations during the development of E3279.
To purchase standards, contact ASTM International customer relations (tel +1.877.909.ASTM; sales@astm.org).
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