Guidance for Cannabis Laboratory Operations
A proposed ASTM International standard will describe recommended practices for analytical laboratories in the cannabis industry. ASTM’s cannabis committee (D37) is developing the proposed standard (WK63913).
ASTM International member Cary Black notes that the chemistry of products containing cannabis is subject to increasing oversight by regulatory and legal entities. Consumer safety is a critical factor because many of these products are consumed by humans or animals.Standardization across the cannabis industry is critical to the success of the industry.
“Whether being used for certificates of analyses, quality control, control studies, or research and development applications, it is imperative that the laboratories conducting these analyses are standardized in their operations as much as possible,” says Black, principalconsultant and CEO of CK Black Group Inc. “As an agricultural crop with chemical constituents that produce a myriad of physiological effects, the variability and consistency of these constituents and others are of paramount importance to protect consumer safety.”
According to Black, “a best-practice oriented guide will optimize standard practices, heighten the quality of the data, and preserve confidence in their processes and better detect anomalies or deficiencies that may affect final product quality.”
ASTM welcomes participation in the development of its standards. Become a member at www.astm.org/JOIN.