Natural Stone Resistance to Freeze-Thaw Cycles
ASTM’s dimension stone committee (C18) is developing a proposed standard that will be used to test the resistance of natural stone to long-term freeze-thaw cycles found in colder climates.
“Natural stone is widely variable in composition and can include granite, sandstone, marble, and limestone, among others,” says ASTM member Frank Strickland. “This means that the resistance of natural stone to the effects of freezing and thawing cycles varies by natural stone type.”
According to Strickland, the proposed standard (WK84902) specifically examines the changes in mechanical properties of compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength used in designing installations with natural stone. This standard complements WK81245, which examines the effect of freezing and thawing cycles on the appearance of natural stone.
The procedure described in the proposed test method will determine the effect on these mechanical properties by subjecting samples to 100 freeze-thaw cycles in worst case conditions, simulating decades of actual exposure.
“Freeze-thaw durability data will be most useful to the quarry producing stone, architects and engineers designing applications, contractors doing installation, and end customers who will be living with the results,” says Strickland.
ASTM welcomes participation in the development of its standards. JOIN ASTM.
Anyone connected to the natural stone industry is encouraged to join in the development of the standard.
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