Playground Equipment Standard
ASTM International’s consumer products committee (F15) has revised its standard consumer safety performance specification for playground equipment for public use. The revisions address several developments in the playground equipment industry while providing clarification on industry terms and designations.
Specifically, the revisions to the standard, soon to be published as F1487, include but are not limited to:
- Changes and additions to the performance requirements for play equipment related to suspended hazards or suspended components, both stationary and non-stationary,
- Additional appendix to address how to perform hazard identification and risk and benefit assessments,
- Changes in scope to include clearance and use zone requirements related to equipment covered by the standard,
- Clarification on what manufacturers, designers, and owners need in order to verify play equipment meetsthe minimum requirements of this standard, and
- New section addressing equipment requirements specific to fixed track and flexible path of travel upper body and sitting suspended component rides.
“These revisions help clarify changes occurring internationally within the industry,” said Kenneth Kutska, executive director at the International Playground Safety Institute, LLC. “Most significantly, this version addresses performance requirements related to new equipment types introduced in the marketplace that do not currently fall within the existing standard.”
According to Kutska, subcommittee chair and certified playground safety inspector, these revisions will be found most useful by playground equipment designers, manufacturers, inspectors, owner agencies, and maintenance technicians.
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