Protective Jackets for Thermal Insulation
A proposed ASTM International standard will establish specification requirements for flexible protective jackets made of modified asphalt or butyl rubber. ASTM International’s thermal insulation committee (C16) is developing the proposed standard.
Protective jackets guard products such as ducts and pipe insulation against physical abuse as well as, in some cases, the effects of weather. All jacket materials covered by this proposed specification protect against the intrusion of water and some against the intrusion of water vapor. While most categories are located above ground, the specification also includes direct burial applications.
“This specification addresses flexible protective jackets made of a modified asphalt or butyl rubber sealing compound for use over thermal insulation typically installed on insulated duct, pipe, and equipment,” says Gordon Hart, a mechanical engineer at Artek Engineering LLC. “This category of protective jackets are widely available in the marketplace and therefore benefit from an ASTM specification.”
According to Hart, an ASTM International member, this proposed standard (WK72017) will be found useful to mechanical designers, regulatory bodies, and consumers.
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