Record Retention for Amusement Rides/Devices
ASTM International’s amusement rides and devices committee (F24) is revising one of its key standards to include a new section requiring owner/operators to have a documented record retention program.
The standard (F770) outlines information and establishes procedures for the operation, maintenance, inspection, and training for amusement rides and devices.
According to ASTM International member Tony Claassen, the language in the new section will be a starting point, creating a foundation for more specific and prescriptive updates.
“While many jurisdictions around the world have a legal requirement for owners and operators of amusement rides and devices to maintain certain records and documents, it is inconsistent from jurisdiction to jurisdiction,” says Claassen, maintenance support, Silver Dollar City. “This has made it challenging for inspectors and authorities to investigate incidents when an owner/operator may no longer have the documentation in question.”
Claassen notes that the regulators, owners, and operators will benefit most from the proposed revisions to F770, as the groundwork is established for a consistent record retention program throughout the amusement industry.
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