Robotic Depth Perception
A proposed ASTM International standard is intended to focus on robotic assembly applications. ASTM’s 3D imaging systems committee (E57) is developing the proposed standard (WK72962), which should be the first in a series of standards on 3D, or depth perception, systems.
According to ASTM International member John Sweetser, principal engineer, Intel Corp/Realsense Group, there are currently few established standards for 3D systems.
“The proposed standard will help establish common metrics, for example, accuracy, resolution, and noise, and methods for measuring them so that producers and users of such systems may better evaluate and compare products for specific applications,” says Sweetser.
Organizations and individuals working in fields related to robotic assembly, as well as any manufacturers, system integrators, or users of 3D perception systems should find the proposed standard useful. Functions covered in the standard will include navigation, inspection, automation, measurement, and assembly. The standard will primarily be used to compare performance and capabilities of different systems for specific applications.
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