Standard Helps Assess, Extend Life of Parts
A new ASTM International standard will help manufacturers in the aerospace, power generation, and automotive industries test parts for defects. The organization’s nondestructive testing committee (E07) developed the standard (soon to be published as E3213).
Through process compensated resonance testing (PCRT), parts from planes, cars, and more can be tested for defects by vibrating the part and listening to how it ‘rings.’ The new standard describes the procedure for testing a part using PCRT both before and after a manufacturing process to measure any potential changes and to determine if that process was done correctly.
According to ASTM International member Eric Biedermann, an engineering manager at Vibrant Corporation, the standard can be used both for new parts and for parts that require maintenance to measure the change the part has experienced while in service. This can help determine whether the part is still serviceable or must be scrapped.
“The new standard will ensure that defective parts do not enter the parts stream,” says Biedermann. “It can also allow the extension of part service life by examining the actual physical condition of parts, rather than a time-based life limit that will scrap a part after a fixed period regardless of its actual condition.”
This effort relates to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals #7 (affordable and clean energy) and #9 (industry, innovation, and infrastructure), he adds.
“The cost of energy production will be reduced by keeping acceptable power generation parts, such as turbine blades, in service longer,” said Biedermann. “By improving manufacturing process monitoring and control, the new standard will improve manufacturing quality and reduce scrap rates, which will reduce the consumption of material resources and energy.”
To purchase standards, contact ASTM International customer relations (tel +1.877.909.ASTM; sales@astm.org).