Strength of Fiber Reinforced Concrete
ASTM International’s concrete and concrete aggregates committee (C09) is developing a proposed standard that will be used to help measure the tensile strength of fiber reinforced concrete.
According to member Luke Pinkerton, the use of fiber reinforcement as an alternative to conventional reinforcement of various concrete structures has been limited in the construction industry. The proposed standard (WK60666) will give the engineering community the data and confidence needed to evaluate performance of fibers.
“The tensile strength is the most basic and important property of concrete that fibers can improve,” says Pinkerton. “Structural engineers need a reliable way to measure that value to be able to take advantage of fibers for design.”
“Typically, tensile capacity of concrete is ignored when designed with reinforced concrete,” says Pinkerton. “Being able to measure tension accurately would give engineers the confidence to use the tensile strength rather than ignore it. Concrete with fiber reinforcement is stronger, less brittle, more durable, and resilient.”
ASTM welcomes participation in the development of its standards. JOIN ASTM.
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