Test Method for Concrete Strength
ASTM International’s concrete and concrete aggregates committee (C09) is developing a new standard for economical testing of concrete strength.
The proposed standard, WK82351, will provide a fast, simple, non-destructive method for testing concrete strength that can be performed almost anywhere. According to ASTM International member Neil Cox this method, which measures the dominant resonant modes of a concrete specimen, will provide benefits for many stakeholders in the industry.
“Manufacturers can improve their quality assurance, builders can optimize construction schedules, and laboratories can provide new services to augment existing methods,” says Cox. “Regulatory bodies will have a new strength testing method that can corroborate existing methods and provide testing that otherwise may not be viable.”
Cox notes, however, that the committee needs further data collection to validate and calibrate the method.
ASTM welcomes participation in the development of its standards. JOIN ASTM.
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