Two Proposed Standards Underway to Support Cannabis Sampling Procedures

Members of the ASTM International cannabis committee (D37) are proposing two guides for cannabis sampling procedures in an effort to ultimately improve consumer safety. 

The guides cover concentrates, extracts, and other cannabis-infused products (WK64646) as well as harvest lots and usable cannabis products (WK64336). Members say the new standards will provide sampling procedures critical in generating accurate laboratory results, which in turn could lead to improved consumer safety.

“We feel these guides are an important part of cannabis-related laboratory systems. They will represent two of the many standards that provide guidelines for productive and efficient laboratory applications,” according to Cary Black, consultant with Orion GMP and vice chairman of the subcommittee on quality management systemswithin the cannabis committee.

Black noted that growers, laboratories, and cannabis processing facilities would find these proposed standard most useful.

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