Vocational Requirements for Cannabis
Proposed ASTM International standards will provide standardized experiential, educational, role descriptors, and expected body of knowledge for vocations in the cannabis industry. ASTM’s committee on cannabis (D37) is developing the proposed standards.
The proposed standards include certification requirements for:
- transportation related vocations (WK72207);
- analytical laboratory professional vocations (WK72167); and,
- quality professional vocations (WK72164).
“These standards will become references in the development of standardized curriculum allowing individuals to qualify through certification for the many emerging roles in the industry,” says ASTM International member Cary Black, principal consultant and CEO of CK Black Group Inc. “The criteria will be used by course developers and certification granting entities and allow for industrial standardization for the vocations covered.”
According to Black, these proposed standards will be useful to companies hiring individuals within the cannabis industry as an aid in creating job descriptions. In addition, the three guides will provide educators with standardized requirements for designing courses and training to support their certification programs.
ASTM welcomes participation in the development of its standards. Become a member of ASTM.