Across many industries, manufacturers turn out the countless products we rely on in our daily lives. These processes also create something else: waste - lots of it. According to the U.S.…

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Ron Ebelhar has provided leadership in civil engineering projects and ASTM technical committee work since the 1970s. This year, he brings his experience to his elected position as…

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An independent U.S. government agency uses everything at its disposal, including ASTM standards, to determine the causes of transportation and pipeline accidents.

An airplane battery…

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In Africa, where access to clean water is an urgent issue, ASTM standards have taken root.

Water is essential for life, and "access to safe water is a fundamental human and, therefore,…

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Part 4: Defining and Building Skills and Attributes


This article draws on and adds to previous articles in this series. Taken together, these articles describe how standards…

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ASTM standards help drug manufacturers improve production processes.

There is no doubt that the evolution of pharmaceutical products continues to improve our quality of life. Much of…

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ASTM is spearheading an effort that will standardize requirements for the reliability and interoperability of additive manufacturing technologies.

At one time the manufacturing…

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Extremely accurate measurements and the standards they inform are the foundations of trade, commerce and the technology we take for granted in our everyday lives.

In a sense, metrology…

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The Standards Council of Canada highlights the importance of collaboration.

As the leader of Canada's standardization network, the Standards Council of Canada supports Canadian…

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A look at the ways Canadian government and industry use ASTM standards to ensure health and safety and set the wheels of commerce in motion.

Canada, the second largest country in the…

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