Motions — an essential part of the consensus process — support many aspects of technical committee business. Only members can make a motion regarding meeting business. 

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The meeting event page and registration process will have:

  • A consolidated search for meetings and symposia information and new event registration process for committee weeks and…
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A collaboration area is your online forum for a specific standards activity. The collaboration area gives you and your task group a dedicated area for a specific standards project, whether a new…

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Ballot: Could be task group (though always informal at this stage), sub, or main (all defined below) as a new or revised standard goes through the required voting process.

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Need more information about a committee role or the standards process? If you have a specific question (or a few), contact your staff manager. To help increase your understanding of the standards…

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As a committee member, your participation drives the standards development process. Your knowledge and experience help to create useful standards of the highest technical quality. And your…

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2019 is a year for electing committee officers: chairman, vice chairman/chairmen, membership secretary, and recording secretary. 

Subcommittee officers are not part of this election…

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You can vote. And you should.

As an ASTM International member you are entitled — as stated in the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees — to vote on all main…

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Fairness. Productivity. Efficiency. These are universal goals for meeting outcomes in offices and conference rooms around the world.

One tried-and-true tool to ensure fairness, productivity…

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