First Person
In the January/February 2024 issue of Standardization News, I spoke with several ASTM International members who are involved with academic research and education: Janet L. Gbur (Case Western Reserve University), Darla Goeres (Montana State… more
Industry sectors:

First Person
Sustainability has become a key concern across society, affecting how we think—and how we work. In the November/December 2023 issue of Standardization News, I spoke to Amy A. Costello, product stewardship and sustainability manager for Armstrong… more
Industry sectors:

First Person
Q. For the laypeople in our audience, can you tell us a little about distillers grains and why they are so important to both the economy and society in general?
A. Distillers grains are the non-fermentable materials produced from grain-… more
Industry sectors:

First Person
Q. How did you get involved in standards work and why is it important?
A. After college, I was very quickly exposed to the existence of standards and their importance. I was a loss control engineer for an insurance company, and as part of my role I… more
Industry sectors:
Consumer Products

First Person
Q. How did you get into engineering and the field of standards?
A. I majored in civil engineering, and I think my first exposure to standards occurred during my undergraduate studies. It is very common for a civil engineering student to… more
Industry sectors:
Standards Development Tips