On a fundamental level, membership provides a way to have your voice heard and affect industries around the globe. Additionally, membership provides opportunities such as professional networking, technical resources, and news of the latest… more
Industry Sectors:
Like questions that should be asked, ideas for standards should be explored.
Ideas for new standards come from “aha” moments — maybe as you unwind with colleagues after a meeting (the origin of more than one useful ASTM International standard) — or… more
Industry sectors:
If the scope of your standard specification — existing or proposed — covers a product, consider certification for it.
Certification, a kind of conformity assessment, seeks to ensure that any given product meets the standard’s performance… more
Industry sectors:
Metals & Materials, Safety, Environment, Transportation, Chemicals, Energy, Medical, Quality, Consumer Products, Construction
Your approach to submitting or resolving negative votes is a critical step in the process of shaping standards and is the single most important element of the ASTM International standards development process. Without negative votes and their proper… more
Industry sectors:
As an ASTM International member, your participation is key to the ASTM standards development process, which includes voting to express your endorsement, disapproval and opinion via ballots.
It’s easy enough to cast your vote on a standards action… more
Industry sectors:
ASTM’s Blue Book, Form and Style for ASTM Standards states that all technical standards should include a terminology section. The requirement advises you to “keep it simple” and use a dictionary definition when possible, but putting a small glossary… more
Industry sectors:
“My ASTM” — your gateway to participating online as an ASTM International member — now makes it easier to work with your task group in developing draft standards before they go to ballot. The tool is the ASTM task group collaboration area, which is… more
Industry sectors:
Writing a new standard presents many challenges, and sometimes, just figuring out which type of standard it should be is Challenge #1.
There are six different kinds of ASTM standards… which one are you writing? To help organize your thinking about… more
Industry sectors:
Does your ASTM committee want to:
Gather information for a possible new area of work or a standard already underway?
Exchange technical information?
Encourage new members and networking?
Provide a forum for technical discussion?
If you’ve answered… more
Industry sectors: