Q. Lots are released based on comparing test results from a sample to lot acceptance procedure criteria. If a set of test results meets the lot acceptance procedure criterion, how can I be assured…

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Q. How can I determine if my data comes from a normal distribution?

A. Click HERE to…

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Q. What statistical procedure is used to determine the typical crack size that can be detected with a given probability?

A. Click…

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Q. I suspect that my data contain more than one outlier. Is there a preferred technique to use to isolate them?

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Q. What is non-inferiority, and how is this related to equivalence in comparing two sets of test results?

A. Click …

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Q. How are precision and uncertainty related?

A. Click HERE to download the full article and…

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Q. What are control chart rules, and which rules should be applied for control chart interpretation?

A. Click…

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Q: How do we use regression analysis for calibration?

A. Click HERE to download…

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Q: How will the changes in ISO/IEC 17025 impact how uncertainty is treated in ASTM International standards?

A:  Click…

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