Q. How many batches do we need to evaluate a control or specification limit?

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Q. How do measurement error and process capability affect the probability that a product meets a specification? What is the relationship between parameter estimates in Statistical Process Control…

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Q. What is the minimum number of data points recommended to estimate standard deviation?…

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Q. Is there an important connection between the process capability indices (CPU and CPL) and the precision-to-tolerance ratio?

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Q. How can measurement uncertainty be estimated?

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 Q: What are detection limits and why are they important?

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Q: How do we judge what the sample max (or min) might be when we don’t know it — assuming a normal distribution?

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Q: Which method of quantile estimation should be used?

A: Click …

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Q: What is precision and how is it interpreted in the context of ASTM test methods?

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Q: Can a product with a single inspection result that is worse than the specification limit by an amount not exceeding reproducibility (R) be considered as being in conformance with the…

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