Q: How can you account for test method (im)precision in the adjudication of a petroleum product specification conformance dispute?

A: Click …

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Q: How does sample size impact Shewhart Individuals control chart reliability?

A. Click HERE to download the full article…

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Q: How does sample size impact Shewhart individuals control chart reliability?

A. Click…

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The Benefits of E691

Q: ASTM International standard E691, Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the…

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Q: What do we mean by the capability of a process?

A. Click …

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Q: What is a tolerance interval?

A. Click HERE to download the full article and read the answer.

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Q: What is the purpose of multiple or redundant inspections?

A. Click HERE …

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Q. How can I combine the results of two samples that are statistically alike based on hypothesis testing when the original data are now unavailable?

A. Click …

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Q: What is precision and how is it interpreted in the context of ASTM test methods?

A. Click …

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Q. I suspect that my data contain more than one outlier. Is there a preferred technique to use to isolate them?

A. Click …

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